How does this work?
Browse our Services page to find the subscription or a la carte service that meets your needs. Once you choose a service, you will be able to schedule your pickup day/window for the current week (or for a 1-time pickup). On the day of the appointment we will notify you as the driver is approaching and you can also track the driver's location at your convenience through our website! Our friendly staff will arrive at the scheduled time and take possession of your items at your door.
How do I cancel?
You can cancel your subscription service at any time via the customer user profile on our website. Just log in and click on the 'Subscriptions' tab, then click the 'Cancel' button. All cancellations take effect immediately and we do not collect/store any of your personal information.
Will this service adversely affect local wildlife?
Not at all! Since our service is by appointment only as our customer agreement stipulates, there will be no waste/recycling left outdoors in any form. Our staff will not remove any waste/recycling other than what is handed to them directly from our customers at the specified appointment time. Additionally, all Alpine Pickup vehicles will fully encapsulate all items inside to assure no errant loss of items, we do not use open trailers.
What kind of containers do you use?
Our service does not require the purchase of special containers for waste/recycling. Our staff will receive items from customers in normal garbage bags as they are stored in the home. Hand us the bags and we will take it from there!
What happens if it snows?
We can only pick up if it is safe to do so. For this reason, there may be days we have to reschedule appointments if inclement weather dictates. The rule of thumb is if UPS/FedEx are delivering, we will also be picking up. We will monitor weather conditions and alert our customers ahead of time about any delays or potential rescheduling.
Can I leave my trash/recycling outdoors?
No! Leaving any type of trash/recycling items outdoors (even in a closed outdoor space like a garage) is in violation of local regulations as well as our customer agreement. If you do this, not only will Alpine Pickup cancel your service, we will immediately report the incident to POA Patrol and you will be fined. There is no situation in which Alpine Pickup will provide services outside the scope of a scheduled appointment.
How/when do I pay?
The best value is one of our monthly subscriptions which provides 4 appointments per month, but you can also pay for our services a la carte. Check out our services page to choose from our services based on your unique needs, and payment is conveniently taken care of via this website!
What happens during an appointment?
You will receive a notification that the driver is approaching 5 minutes before arrival. Upon arrival, our driver will meet you at your front door where he will take possession of any trash/recycling items you provide (per the limitations of your service level and the customer agreement). The driver then stores the items in the Alpine Pickup vehicle and moves on to the next customer! The appointments take only a few seconds to complete, so you can get right back to your priorities!
How long does an appointment take?
Typically only a few seconds! Depending on the volume of trash/recycling you have for that day an appointment could take up to 5 minutes but generally never longer than that!
What if I need to cancel/reschedule an appointment?
No problem! You can log into to reschedule your pickup for free! If our driver arrives and you are not present and also did not reschedule, that pickup will be forfeit but any future scheduled appointments will remain unaffected.
What types of items do you take?
For trash - if it goes in the compactor at the transfer site and fits inside a normal garbage bag we will take it.
For recycling - we accept the following types of items (separated into the following categories by our customers before we arrive for pickup):
- aluminium cans
- clear plastic
- colored plastic
- newspapers
- magazines
- phone books
- blue/green glass
- clear glass
- brown/red glass
- scrap metal
- cardboard
We do not accept the following types of items:
- hazardous waste
- dead animals
- explosives
- poisons
- pesticides
- infectious wastes
- friable asbestos
- repurposed/hand-me-down items
- tires
- sewage sludge
- mattresses
- large furniture
- construction materials
- ashes
- oils
- electronic waste
- appliances
For a comprehensive list of items we accept, view our customer agreement.
Do you provide large item removal services?
Yes! We only schedule large item removals for Fridays, and this service may not run every week depending on demand. Items need to fit in a 17' box truck.
How do I contact you with questions?
Chat with us through our website contact form, email us at, or message us on Facebook.
Is the PMCPOA aware of this service?
Yes! We presented our idea to the PMC Environmental Committee as well as the full PMCPOA board. We took questions from the community as well as the board and were granted a permit to conduct business in PMC!
Can I update my subscription information (pickup day/window, service address, contact info) after I have checked out?
Yes! While we are working on adding this feature to our existing user profile page, please reach out to us regarding any changes you need to make to your subscription information through our website contact form, email us at, or message us on Facebook.